It always works for their music teacher…

So T wasn’t thrilled about practicing the viola this morning, and was stomping around, grumbling, and in other ways expressing this lack of excitement. Remembering one way his teacher diffuses his bad moods, we sent him out of the room and told him we were starting over, and he should come back in ready to practice and in a good mood. Since we’re in a hotel (we’re visiting Carlsbad Caverns this weekend), he went into the bathroom where he hummed and futzed around for a little while before stomping out with an I’m-really-not-smiling look on his face.

“That’s not a good mood!” I said.

“I AM in a good mood,” he said. “I just don’t LIKE being in a good mood sometimes.”

About tara

Off-the-grid living, homeschooling mom with a predilection for <a href="">organic fabrics</a>, cooking from scratch, and natural living. I share my 40-acre paradise with one husband, two sons, one dog, 20-some chickens, and some ridiculous number of rabbits, rats, mice, and rattlesnakes.
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